Congratulations to the winners of the dot-art competition! Take a look at the photos from the prize giving ceremony on 20th June.
Dot-art is a regional art competition, which lots of school who take part in. Each year, they have a competition for either year 5 or year 9, and this year it was year 5 who took part at Peterhouse.
Out of all the work Peterhouse entered, the Dot-art judges choose the top three pieces. These three are then open to the online vote when everyone can vote. The result of that was:
1st – Elliot Mathews (photographed below)
2nd – Nathan Miller
3rd – Anthony Spence
The prize giving ceremony is for the top 3 pupils and their families but only the work of the student in 1st place is put on display.
Elliot's work will be in the Walker Art gallery until Sunday 2nd July 2023.