What makes Peterhouse different to other schools?
The Peterhouse 'Hidden Curriculum' consists of all the approaches used that support pupils, beyond and throughout their lessons. This includes:
The Peterhouse 'Blended Offer' describes the learning pathways each pupil at Peterhouse follows. The school has a formal and a semi-formal pathway:
The Formal Pathway covers adapted subject specific learning taught through 'Big Ideas' (in Primary age classes) as well as the school's bespoke 'Preparing for Adulthood' formal curriculum. It leads to qualifications such as Entry Level qualifications, ASDAN short courses, BTecs, GCSEs, Arts Award, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
The Semi-Formal Pathway provides subject specific learning with further adaptations, as well as the school's bespoke 'Preparing for Adulthood' semi-formal curriculum. It leads to accreditations such as ASDAN Personal Progress, ASDAN Towards Independence, ASDAN Short courses, Trinity Award in musical development, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
While many pupils may follow one specific pathway, these are by no means set, and pupils may move from one pathway to another, or follow different pathways for different subjects. This creates a bespoke curriculum that matches the unique needs of each child.
Below you can find more information about the curriculum at Peterhouse, but please do not hesitate to get in touch with us for any additional information or questions you may have: tel. 01704 506682, email admin@aipeterhouse.org.