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Financial Information

Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium allocated to school:

- 2021/22: £24.050

- 2022/23: £24,790

- 2023/24: £26,800

As of Sept 2024, 34.8% of pupils at Peterhouse are eligible for Pupil Premium.  Eligible pupils fall into the following categories:


FSM (Primary School age):  21.7%

FSM (Secondary School age):  78.3%

Looked After Children:  4%



Recovery Premium


Amount allocated in 2021/22:  £6,380

Amount allocated in 2022/23:  £20,704

Amount allocated in 2023/24:  £24,334


In 2022/23, funding was used for supply staff to facilitate 1:1 catch-up sessions for students who had been identified as having fallen behind on their Accredited Learning due to Covid or other attendance related issues.  

Financial Benchmarking


As a non-maintained special school, Peterhouse is not linked to the DfE's Financial Benchmarking service.

Executive Pay


There are no staff at Peterhouse who receive a salary in excess of £100,000.
