The Education Governance Committee is a sub-committee of the Autism Initiatives Board of Trustees. It monitors and supports the work of Autism Initiatives Education Services, comprising Peterhouse School, The Haven and OSSME Outreach Services. The Autism Initiatives Board of Trustees has a Nominations Committee, which appoints members to the Education Governance Committee.
The Committee includes Parent Representatives as well as members of our community. We welcome applications for membership - please contact Peterhouse for more information or to express an interest.
Liza Slater
Interim Chair 12.07.2023
Chair from 17.7.19 - 19.1.22
On Governance Committee since 17.1.2018
Also serves on the following Committees:
- Autism Initiatives Group Main Board of Trustees
- Autism Initiatives UK Main Board of Trustees
- Autism Initiatives Ireland Main Board of Trustees
- Autism Ventures Main Board of Trustees
- Autism Initiatives Group: Board of Trustees Nominations Committee
- Autism Initiatives UK: Board of Trustees Audit Sub Committee
- Autism Initiatives Ireland: Board of Trustees Audit Sub-Committee
- Autism Initiatives UK: Board of Trustees Scottish Committee
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 2 out of 4 full meetings (apologies) + 1 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 4 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Cpt Hedley Midgley
Parent Representative
on Governance Committee since 15.7.2020
Does not serve on any other Committees.
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 2 out of 4 full meetings (apologies) + 1 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 1 out of 4 full meetings + 0 SDP meeting (apologies)
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Emma Lowe
Parent Representative
on Governance Committee since 19.01.2022
Does not serve on any other Committees.
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 3 out of 4 full meetings (apologies) + 1 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 4 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Elizabeth Price
Non-Teaching Staff Representative / Health & Wellbeing Co-ordinator
On Governance Committee since 7.11.2018
Does not serve on any other Committees.
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 3 out of 4 full meetings (apologies) + 1 compliance committee meeting & 1 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 3 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Calvin Wallace
Head of School Peterhouse
On Governance Committee since 15.7.2009
Also serves on the following Committee: Parent Governor at St Michael's Church of England School in Chorley
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 4 out of 4 full meetings 1 out of 1 compliance meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 4 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Sharon Williams
Head of OSSME
On Governance Committee since 18.1.2017
Does not serve on any other Committees.
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 4 out of 4 full meetings 1 out of 1 compliance meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 3 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date
Karen Burt
Headteacher, The Haven School
On Governance Committee since 4.4.2019
Does not serve on any other Committees.
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 2 out of 2 full meetings 1 out of 1 compliance meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 3 out of 4 full meetings + 0 SDP meeting (apologies)
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date
Andrew Grainger
CEO Autism Initiatives
On Governance Committee since September 2023
Also serves on the following Committees:
- Autism Initiatives UK Main Board of Trustees
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2023/24 4 out of 4 full meetings + 0 SDP meeting (apologies)
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Elizabeth Lewis
Clerk to the Governance Committee since September 2022
Also serves on the following Committee: 5th Formby (URC) Scout Executive Committee
No relevant business interests
No relationship with any members of school staff.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 4 out of 4 full meetings + 1 out of 1 compliance meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 4 out of 4 full meetings + 1 SDP meeting
Meeting Attendance 2024/25 to date 1 SDP meeting
Committee members no longer serving
Stan Rimmer
Community Representative
On Governance Committee since 15.07.20
Also serves as a Trustee at Marshside Methodist Church .
No relevant business interests
2 x Peterhouse staff are members of Stan Rimmer's extended family.
Meeting attendance 2022/23 2 out of 2 full meetings (apologies) + 1 Extraordinary Meeting
Meeting attendance 2023/24 1 out of 4 full meetings + 0 SDP meeting (apologies)