Our Teacher for Work Related Learning and Careers is Kimberley Hudson. She can be contacted via the school's main contact details: tel 01704 506682, email admin@aipeterhouse.org .
Work Experience activities organised by the school focus on pupil interests and ambitions. During 2019/20, work experience placements have included placements a local games shop and an animal rescue centre.
In November 2021, we were awarded the Quality in Careers Standard award, which recognises excellent provision for careers education, information, advice and guidance.
Supporting you in becoming a successful adult with autism is at the centre of everything we do. You might have some questions about your future, and that is OK - we are here to help you answer them. In school, you can chat with Kim, who is the person who helps support you when you are leaving Peterhouse. You can also talk to your teachers, your personal tutor, or in fact any member of staff.
There are lots of different pathways you can follow, such as Further Education, Apprenticeships or Traineeships, Supported Internships and options within Social Care. The careers programme at Peterhouse will provide you with the information you need to be able to understand the different options available to you and make informed decisions about what is the most suitable option for you.
At Peterhouse, we feel that the term ‘Career' describes a person’s journey through life, learning and work. Every young person’s career is individual to them and we are privileged to support them in their preparation for adulthood. Pupils on both pathways follow a work related learning curriculum created from the Careers Development Institute Framework and the PSHE Association Programme of Study. Please see our Work Related Learning Policy for more information.
Planning is key to ensuring positive outcomes for all of our young people and we aim to be proactive in the management of transition, with early planning so we can prepare and support the pupil and their family for an appropriate, purposeful and planned transfer. Peterhouse Transition Planning is pupil centred and focuses on working in partnership with the young person, their parents/carers and others available to consider placement options and support a successful transition beyond Peterhouse.
From year 9 onwards, all EHCP Annual Reviews include a focus on achieving the Preparing for Adulthood outcomes, including Education, Training and Employment. EHCP targets will reflect the ability, independence and support needs of the young person in order to achieve positive steps in preparation for post 16 options.
Kim, our dedicated Teacher for Work Related Learning and Careers Guidance, is on hand to offer information, advice and support regarding all aspects of transition for both pupils, parents and carers at any stage of their career.
Following an initial review of post 16 options in Year 9, we typically organise Person Centred Planning (PCP) meetings in Year 12 to consider the future needs of the young person and identify potential options to be explored. These are informal meetings typically held at school with people who know the young person well. Examples of those involved include parents, teachers, personal tutors, respite or residential staff, social workers and casework officers. In Year 13 we subsequently review the plan so that in Year 14 we can aim to support a planned and smooth transition to the next placement.
At Peterhouse, we take pride in the range of opportunities we are able to provide for our young people. This relies largely on support from our local businesses, organisations and providers for which we are grateful. If you are interested in working in partnership with us, please do get in touch.
Some of the ways in which you could work with us include;
If you would like more information on how you could support our school’s career provision, please contact:
Kimberley Hudson, Teacher for Work Related Learning & Careers
Telephone | (01704) 506 682 Email | kimberley.hudson@aipeterhouse.org
Please also see our Provider Access Policy for further information.
At Peterhouse, all staff have a shared responsibility for the delivery of careers information throughout the school. Careers information is taught explicitly through the Work Related Learning Curriculum which is specifically adapted to ensure it is appropriate and meaningful students on both pathways. This is further enhanced by the implicit delivery of careers information which is embedded throughout the curriculum.
Some ideas for the inclusion of careers within your own teaching include;
The links below contain some useful resources to support curriculum delivery.
We are immensely proud of all of our pupils and we are always keen to hear about your continuing achievements after Peterhouse. If you would like to keep in touch, please do so by contacting
Kimberley Hudson, Teacher for Work Related Learning & Careers
Telephone | (01704) 506 682 Email | kimberley.hudson@aipeterhouse.org